
10 Scariest WWE Moments

Scenes even more blood-curling than current WWE booking!

6. The Fiend Emerges

The fiend summerslam 2019

The character eventually went completely off the rails and was involved in some of WWE's worst stuff ever, but the build up to the Fiend's emergence and his actual debut at SummerSlam 2019 were done beautifully. 

The vignettes inside his Firefly Fun House were some of the most intriguing content WWE had produced in a while and Bray played the whole thing suitably menacingly as Mr Rogers as directed by David Lynch. 

After months of build, The Fiend finally made his first public appearance and accepted Finn Balor's challenge for a match. It gave us the first glimpse of Wyatt's new creation, but we'd get our first proper look at him at his pay-per-view outing with the Extraordinary Man. 

The presentation of his first entrance was fittingly eerie, as he came out into almost complete darkness, holding a lantern made up to look like his former guise. 

The music, camera work, mask and body language all combined to create something that looked genuinely dangerous when, if done differently, it could have looked really hokey. 

The Fiend then destroyed Balor in convincing fashion, before exiting back into the darkness...

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.