
10 Scariest WWE Moments

Scenes even more blood-curling than current WWE booking!

7. The Big Boss Hang

Big boss man hanged wrestlemania 15 xxv

As we've already established thus far, sometimes the scariest things in WWE aren't to do with some spooky character or a plot ripped from the trashiest bargain bin horror film, but rather when real danger - or even death - are involved. 

Both were in play when Ministry of Darkness era Undertaker met Big Boss Man inside Hell in a Cell at WrestleMania XV. 

Though the match itself was awful and up there with the worst Cell matches ever, the post-match scene sure had everyone talking. 

After 'Taker had extended his 'Mania winning streak, his ministry cohorts The Brood  - Edge, Christian and Gangrel - repelled from the ceiling and, under instruction from their dark overlord, put a noose around the neck of the man from Cobb County, Georgia. 

The rope was then attached to the steel structure and, as the would-be vampires ascended, so too did the Cell, with Boss Man hanging from it. 

Obviously he wasn't really being hanged, but it was visually impressive and Ray Traylor did a very convincing sell job. 

It was in poor taste and was another shock stunt from the Attitude Era that had no real long-term meaning or impact, but it sure was scary (in theory, anyway). 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.