
10 Worst TNA Gimmick Changes

TNA's 10 worst gimmick changes in history

9. Sonjay Dutt to The Guru

Sonjay dutt guru

A lot of the X-Division wrestlers got makeovers in the mid-to-late 2000s as TNA tried to give them a little more ‘personality’ to go alongside their exciting in-ring performances. 

Sonjay Dutt’s transformation was more pronounced than most, as the high-flying Original Playa from the Himalaya became The Guru. Dressing all in white and incessantly praying and apologising for everything, Dutt would also dish out advice and collect money from the audience. 

This was during the time when Kevin Nash (during his Paparazzi Productions phase) would just wander around telling the lower-card guys what to be and it was Big Sexy who (kayfabe) bestowed the Guru moniker on poor Sonjay. 

On the positive side, the gimmick change did lead to more television time for Dutt. On the negative side, that television time revolved around the Guru’s love triangle with SoCal Val and Jay Lethal. 

After winning the Ladder of Love Match and, thus, Val’s hand in marriage, Dutt’s fortunes took a turn for the worse and he became little more than a glorified jobber prior to his exit from the company just a couple of months later. 

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Written by Cultaholic