
10 Worst TNA Gimmick Changes

TNA's 10 worst gimmick changes in history

8. Okada to Okato


As is tradition, New Japan sent one of their young lions, Kazuchika Okada overseas, to get some more seasoning as part of his ‘learning excursion’, so that he could come back and eventually become a star in his homeland. 

Unfortunately for Okada, he ended up in the artistic hellscape that was TNA due to the working relationship between the two companies. 

Initially wrestling as simply ‘Okada’, he predominantly appeared on Xplosion, typically in losing efforts. Almost a year into his TNA journey, Okada became Okato, sporting a look strikingly similar to Kato from the Green Hornet series in a complete, unashamed ripoff.

This, of course, happened after the failure of the Green Hornet movie at the box office. 

He was only Okato for a couple of pointless months, but New Japan were so angry at how TNA had presented Okada on television that it was cited as one of the reasons they ended their working agreement soon after. 

Fences were eventually mended and in 2024, Okada made his return to TNA and revealed he actually loves the promotion. 

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Written by Cultaholic