
10 Worst TNA Gimmick Changes

TNA's 10 worst gimmick changes in history

7. Jay Lethal To Black Machismo

Black machismo

Remember when Randy Savage showed up in TNA for a cup of coffee, refused to take his top off, almost got into a backstage fight with a visiting Hulk Hogan, won a match with a punch and then promptly disappeared from the wrestling business forever? It was hardly vintage Macho Man, was it? 

Perhaps that is why TNA had Jay Lethal – who could do an uncanny Savage impression – become Black Machismo, an homage to Randy’s glory days. 

With his ostentatious costumes and gravelly voice, Black Machismo was, essentially, a cosplay of classic Savage. And it was a cute bit, for a little while anyway. 

Yes, it got Lethal noticed and made him stand out from the pack, but the act just went on for far too long. 

People dug the character and everything, but it just dragged on and on with very little evolution. Once you’d seen Machismo say ‘Ooooh yeah’ and drop a big elbow, what else was there, really? 

A cute gimmick, sure, but one with a limited shelf-life and low ceiling as far as how high on the card it could go.  

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Written by Cultaholic