
10 WWE Comebacks You Don't Remember

Not every WWE comeback is memorable

5. Vader - 2005

Vader goldust jonathan coachman

The Big Man’s first WWE run had started out so well, as he was booked to be something like the dominant force he had been in WCW and New Japan, rampaging through the 1996 Royal Rumble before destroying Gorilla Monsoon in a powerful angle the next night on Raw. 

He could have become WWE Champion and was the favourite to unseat Shawn Michaels at that year’s SummerSlam, but it was not to be and he found himself sliding down the card, eventually reduced to being jobbed out in the midcard while calling himself a ‘fat piece of sh*t’ on the microphone. 

After leaving in late 1998, Vader’s shocking return came on the October 31, 2005 episode of Raw and it was fitting that it happened on Halloween because it was a ghastly sight indeed. 

The Mastadon came to the aide of Jonathan Coachman and, along with Goldust, beat down Batista ahead of his match with The Coach at Taboo Tuesday. 

His point would have been well made, had he not fallen flat on his arse upon exiting the ring. 

Things didn’t improve the next night, as he was easily dispatched by The Animal, in his last WWE appearance for seven years. 

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Written by Cultaholic