
10 WWE Comebacks You Don't Remember

Not every WWE comeback is memorable

4. Nikolai Volkoff - 1994

Nikolai volkoff 1994

Nikolai Volkoff had already been in the business for 15 years and was well-travelled by the time he showed up in WWE in 1984, right as Vince McMahon was aggressively expanding his wrestling enterprise. 

Best remembered for his tag team title-winning team with The Iron Sheik and later as one-half of the Bolsheviks, Volkoff was primarily an anti-USA heel until he left the organisation at the end of 1990. 

He returned full-time in February of 1994, though this time he played something of a sympathetic babyface as the mistreated member of Ted DiBiase’s Million Dollar Corporation. 

In the storyline, he accepted a role in the group having fallen on hard times and was repaid not just in cash but with outright disrespect from DiBiase and the other members of the group, being dubbed ‘Nickel and Dime’ Volkoff and having a cent symbol replace his famous Russian Sickle on the side of his tights, while ‘Property of the Million Dollar Man’ was written on the back. 

It was an intriguing angle but didn’t really go anywhere, and the most interesting thing to note from the run was the fact that Volkoff wrestled Matt Hardy in the teenager’s Monday Night Raw debut.  

Since WWE were pushing their New Generation of younger, faster wrestlers at this point, the comparatively ancient ‘Russian Giant’ didn’t exactly fit in and his contributions aren’t remembered next to those of Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and co. 

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Written by Cultaholic