
Marc Mero's Sable Regret & Vince Russo For The WWE Hall Of Fame? Ten Things You May Have Missed In Wrestling This Week

You let your wife pose nude for playboy, move to LA and become a party animal and you're labelled a prat, and that's the game...

6. Joe Talks Brock

Samoa joe brock lesnar great balls of fire

Nice to see WWE came to their senses and brought Samoa Joe back in both an on-screen and backstage capacity. 

The Samoan Submission Machine spoke with Out of Character with Ryan Satin, discussing (among other things) his time working with Brock Lesnar. 

Joe called his feud and matches with The Beast Incarnate a highlight of his career and gave some insight on what it takes to work with the elusive Lesnar. 

"I think if you're in this industry, Brock is the type of match you should be seeking out. When you get into this industry, you should be gunning to work with the top, top guys. Brock was the top, top guy. When I was given the opportunity, I did my best to make the most of it every time I was in the ring with him. It's important. You've got to have kind of a goal post and a bar of excellence that you maintain. It's easy when you'sve got guys like Brock, guys like Kurt Angle, guys like Roman. You push yourself because they push.

That's the kind of energy you've got to have when you're out there with Brock. He probably won't respect anything less than that. If you don’t show up saying you're going to try and kick his teeth in and you're coming after him, he ain't trying to hear it. You've got to keep that energy with him. That's kind of what I'm alluding to. You've got to match that intensity. You can't walk into this kind of half-assed and going 'oh I hope this works out. How are you sir? Can't wait to get out there and get after it'. You've got to just go get it. Brock has no qualms about getting into it with anybody. It makes for a nice combination". 

It would be remiss of me if I didn't remind everyone that the titanic first meeting between Joe and Brock took place on a show called Great Balls of Fire. 

Great. Balls. Of. Fire. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.