
Marc Mero's Sable Regret & Vince Russo For The WWE Hall Of Fame? Ten Things You May Have Missed In Wrestling This Week

You let your wife pose nude for playboy, move to LA and become a party animal and you're labelled a prat, and that's the game...

2. DDP's WWE Regret

Ddp stalker wwe debut

Speaking of former WCW Heavyweight Champions, Diamond Dallas Page talked about his misguided WWE debut on a recent addition of the Angle Podcast (not to be confused with The Kurt Angle Show). 

Page himself had wanted his first programme to be a 'People's Champion versus People's Champion' feud with The Rock, but he was instead brought in as the mysterious stalker of The Undertaker's then-wife Sara. 

He didn't want to do the stalker thing but relented after being talked into it by Vince and Shane McMahon. 

In retrospect, he wishes he'd stuck to his guns and asked for a storyline with The Great One instead. 

"In WCW, I fought for everything. If I'd have been in WCW mindset and Vince said, 'We want you to stalk Undertaker's wife', I'd have looked at him, looked at her [his ex-wife, Kimberly], looked back at him, and said, 'Vince, are you looking at my wife? I'm gonna stalk some other cat's wife? And everybody knows she's my wife?'.

What Vince McMahon taught me: you can never be afraid to walk away from the table. I had all the coins, I could've got to do whatever I wanted to. I just wouldn't have done it. That would've been my skew today. 'No, I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it until it’s perfectly laid out'". 

Twenty years later, it's still absolutely incredible to think that Dallas opted out of his guaranteed, big-money AOL Time Warner contract and signed with WWE, only to get destroyed by The Deadman and pinned by his wife before becoming a corny motivational guru. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.