
Marc Mero's Sable Regret & Vince Russo For The WWE Hall Of Fame? Ten Things You May Have Missed In Wrestling This Week

You let your wife pose nude for playboy, move to LA and become a party animal and you're labelled a prat, and that's the game...

1. The Foresight Of A Horseman

The rock jj dillon

Much has been made of the story that Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson had seven bucks to his name when he was signed by Jim Ross to a WWE developmental deal in the mid-90's. 

Hell, the Brahma Bull even named his production company, Seven Bucks Productions, as a reminder of his once-perilous financial predicament. 

Not too much is known, however, about the fact that Johnson wanted to leave WWE when he was struggling as a rookie, due to the fact his seven bucks had become merely twelve.

WWE Hall of Famer and former Four Horseman JJ Dillon relayed the story of how he helped The Rock out and convinced him to stay with WWE, back when he was working behind-the-scenes for Vince McMahon's organisation. 

Discussing it on Stories with Brisco and Bradshaw, Dillon had this to say:  

"Rock, he was going to get the push of his life, but he couldn't see at that point how really big that opportunity was going to be for him. He had everything. He was multiracial. He had the size, he had athletic ability. He had everything. And I came up there and he said, 'Can I talk to you privately?'. I said, 'Yeah'. He said, 'You have connections everywhere. I'm asking you to help me get out of here and find a place for me to go'. So I listened to him and I said, 'There’s more to this story than what you're telling me. You need to kind of trust me and open up to me and tell me what's going on in your head, what's really, really troubling you?'". 

After talking about it a little bit, he reached into his pocket and he had a $10 bill and a couple of singles. And he said, 'This is all the money I have to my name. I've never been in a situation where everybody talks about this great potential that I have. But for me, I have 12 bucks in my pocket and that's eating away at me'. I said, 'Well, I'm glad you opened up to me and told me, because that's something that can be an easy fix'.

So, I don't know where we were, I said, 'Go up to the box office and pull $200 and I'll sign for it and I'll work it out'. They cam to me and gave me $200 in cash. I called The Rock over and I shook his hand and palmed him $200 in cash. I said, 'Now you've got money in your pocket. You can eat, you're okay This is just a little speed bump in the road. I couldn't do justice to the business by allowing you to just not take full advantage of this opportunity because you are just caught in a position where you don't have any cash in your pocket and we've all been there'. He gave me a big huh and that was the turning point for him. Just having that money in his pocket so that he could eat and do what he wanted. 

I just was in the right place at the right time and knew the right thing to do".

Man, just think about how different history might have been if JJ had instead called up a friend at WCW or something like that. 

As for who plays JJ Dillon in the movie on The Rock's life? I dunno why, but for some reason I'm seeing Don Johnson? 

Anyway, until next time! 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.