
Tanahashi Talks Lesnar & Is Edge OK?: Ten Things You May Have Missed In Wrestling This Week

Is there anything good on TV this weekend?

7. Is Edge OK?

Edge mick foley flaming table wrestlemania 22

One of the programming highlights of this week was the WWE Untold episode focusing on the Edge versus Mick Foley Hardcore Match from WrestleMania 22. 

The show did the whole story justice, from the beginnings of Edge and Foley's relationship, to the genesis of the match, the match itself and its aftermath. 

While it was brutal to watch in parts, there was a great deal of insight and one or two laughs, too. 

The biggest came courtesy of Foley, who revealed that after the graphic bout he called his wife Collette to check in and reassure he that he was fine, only for her to respond by disregarding what he had said and immediately asking 'Is Edge OK?'. 

And Foley was cracking up...and he loved it...'cause it was nothing vicious!

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.