
10 Major Shows Missing From The WWE Network

Because we need more wrestling to fill our weeks...

8. Terry Funk’s WrestleFest

I think we can all agree that the WWE Network could use a little more – OK, a lot more – Terry Funk.

The Funker is one of the all-time greats and, given his long, journeyman career, he pops up on the app everywhere from the territories, to WCW, ECW, WWE and beyond.

There’s no shortage of Terry Funk for you to enjoy for your tenner, but one thing conspicuous by its absence is Terry Funk’s WrestleFest from 1997, AKA the Terry Funk retirement show.

Even though ‘Terry Funk retirement show’ is an oxymoron and the man from the Double Cross Ranch was back lacing up his boots just weeks after his own send-off, WrestleFest is a great show and celebration of an extraordinary life and career.

And while the main event between Funk and then-WWE Champion Bret Hart is on the Network as a Hidden Gem, WWE could do us all a favour and upload the rest of the bloody show already.

Because, in an era of intense competition and the Monday Night Wars, WWE, WCW and ECW wrestlers were all present to wrestle and pay their respects, leading to some intriguing matches like Rob Van Dam against Dory Funk Jr. and Mankind taking on Sabu.  

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.