
10 Reversed WWE Title Changes

Not every WWE title change is permanent

7. The Fabulous Rougeaus - WWE Tag Team Championships (1987)

Fabulous rougeaus 1987

Before pay-per-view buyrates and television rights fees became the biggest economic drivers of WWE’s business, the big money was made at the house shows. The non-televised events were incredibly important and WWE treated them as such, occasionally running major angles and even booking title changes to take place on them. 

Like at The Montreal Forum on August 10, 1987, when the Fabulous Rougeaus took on WWE Tag Team Champions The Hart Foundation. 

Foundation manager Jimmy Hart attempted to interfere on their behalf at the end, only to be disposed of his megaphone, which was then used on Bret for the ostensible title change. 

The Rougeaus were announced as the new champions and celebrated appropriately, but the decision was hastily reversed and the switch isn’t recognised by WWE. 

The Pink and Black Attack went back to defending the straps the very next night, while Bret vowed to never be screwed out of a title in Montreal again.

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Written by Cultaholic