
10 WCW Wrestlers You Don't Remember

A British wrestling legend and more

4. Yoshi Kwan

Yoshi kwan wcw

WWE Network

Another case of a talented wrestler being saddled with a terrible (and in this case highly offensive) gimmick. 

A Kentucky-born Florida resident and student of the Malenkos, Chris Champion had a decent run in the 80's and early 90's, working for groups like Championship Wrestling from Florida, Mid-Atlantic and the USWA, before finding his way to Ted Turner's organisation in '93. 

Not as Chris Champion, but as Yoshi Kwan, a stereotypical 'sneaky' Asian heel - was it China or Hong Kong? WCW never did decide - managed by Harley Race in his attempt to rid WCW of Cactus Jack.

With his garish mullet and over-the-top fake eyebrows, Kwan turned heads with his appearance but he didn't stick around long enough or have good enough matches to make too much of an impression. 

After losing to Cactus Jack at Fall Brawl, he was put on the sidelines with a knee injury and never did return. 

He passed away in 2019, at the age of 57.  

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.