
10 Worst TNA Gimmick Changes

TNA's 10 worst gimmick changes in history

3. Samoan Submission Machine to Nation Of Violence

Samoa joe nation of violence

Samoa Joe emerged on the national stage by doing what he did best, AKA wrecking fools with his high-intensity style, which helped him quickly climb up the card and, eventually, bag the TNA World Heavyweight Title. 

The Samoan Submission Machine’s work spoke for itself and he got over primarily due to his consistently excellent in-ring performances and believable no-nonsense character. 

TNA decided to add some nonsense to the mix, though, and a few months after dropping the TNA World Heavyweight Title to Sting and then being laid out and ‘injured’ by the Main Event Mafia, Joe came back sporting a leather vest, buzzcut, some dodgy brown pants and a face tattoo. 

This ‘Nation of Violence’ version of Joe was supposed to position him as a psychotic, sadistic heel, but it was way too tryhard and paled in comparison to what the man had been doing before the repackage. 

It was all for nought, anyway, because Joe ‘shockingly’ joined the Main Event Mafia anyway, after waging war against them for months. 

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Written by Cultaholic