
10 Worst TNA Gimmick Changes

TNA's 10 worst gimmick changes in history

2. Phenomenal One to New Nature Boy

Aj styles nature boy

AJ Styles was one of the best things in TNA from day one. 

Despite an inauspicious debut, Styles would over the course of the next several years establish himself as one of the best workers not just in the Impact Zone, but the entire world. 

Though his reputation for in-ring greatness preceded him, TNA felt in early 2010 as though to be the man he had to be the man. Yes, they turned their world champion into a mini-Ric Flair, because why wouldn’t they? 

Styles soon began wearing sunglasses and suits and making his entrance for matches in robes, which were as ill-fitting as this whole direction change.

AJ was certainly Flair-like in respect to his talent from bell to bell, but he just wasn’t the sort to put on a three-piece and brag about last night’s romantic conquests, was he? 

According to reports, Styles was uncomfortable with some of what was asked of him and flat-out refused to bleach his hair blonde, no doubt sensing that his time as the New Nature Boy probably wasn’t going to last long. 

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Written by Cultaholic