
10 Worst TNA Gimmick Changes

TNA's 10 worst gimmick changes in history

1. Dustin Rhodes to Black Reign

Black reign

Dustin Rhodes had a couple of TNA stints in the 2000s, showing up whenever he was in between gigs with WWE. 

His first TNA run was as the ‘Lone Star’ Dustin Rhodes, a perfectly fine midcard addition that saw Dusty’s son basically just wrestle as himself, as he had done towards the end of WCW. 

His second TNA run was something different altogether. He was still Dustin Rhodes, but he was also haunted by the split personality we came to know as Black Reign. 

One of the absolute dirt worst wrestling gimmicks ever, there was pretty much nothing redeemable about that wig-wearing, rat-loving freak. The segments and promos were cringe-inducing, while the garbage matches he was involved in – against the likes of Abyss and Rellik (which is ‘killer’ spelt backwards, don’t you know) – were positively rotten. 

What makes the whole thing that much worse is that Rhodes was genuinely suffering from serious addiction issues at the time and clearly regrets this whole part of his career. 

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Written by Cultaholic