
10 Worst WCW Matches In History

The 10 worst WCW matches ever

7. Rick Rude vs. Masahiro Chono - Halloween Havoc 1992

Rick rude masahiro chino halloween havoc 1992

A clean-shaven Rick Rude took on New Japan star Masahiro Chono for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Title at Halloween Havoc 1992 in a match where both competitors were allowed to choose a referee.

Chono picked his countryman Kensuke Sasaki, while Rude opted for Harley Race. Ole Anderson flipped a coin prior to the match to determine which ref would be in the ring and which would be outside. 

This match was the antithesis of excitement. Filing tax returns is more exciting than sitting through this rest hold filled abomination. Seriously, by the 10th chinlock you will be crying out for some wet paint, so you can watch it dry. 

The fans in Philadelphia evidently chose to make their own entertainment during this slog, as a fight broke out in the audience. 

We guarantee that fight contained way more action than this match, which was not only boring, but lasted an interminable 22 minutes and 23 seconds AND ended with a Dusty finish, when the champ was disqualified for throwing the challenger over the top rope. 

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Written by Cultaholic