Finn Balor

Original Plans For Edge Vs. Finn Balor At WrestleMania 39
There were different plans for Edge vs. Finn Balor

Report: AJ Styles Vs. Finn Balor Not Scheduled For WWE WrestleMania 41
Conflicting reports on plans for AJ Styles and Finn Balor

Finn Balor's Botched Kickout Edited Out Of WWE Raw
Finn Balor's botched kickout removed from VOD version of WWE Raw

Report: AJ Styles Vs. Finn Balor Being Considered For WWE WrestleMania 41
AJ Styles vs. Finn Balor at WWE WrestleMania 41?

WWE Changes World Heavyweight Title Match At Saturday Night's Main Event
Change made to World Heavyweight Title match at WWE Saturday Night's Main Event

WWE Planning 'Sustained Singles Push' For Finn Balor
A ‘sustained singles push’ for Finn Balor planned in WWE

Gunther's World Heavyweight Title Defence Added To WWE Saturday Night's Main Event
Who will Gunther face at WWE Saturday Night's Main Event

Backstage News On Finn Balor & JD McDonagh's Upcoming OTT Tenth Year Anniversary Appearance
Backstage news on upcoming indy appearance for WWE's Finn Balor & JD McDonagh

WWE Scraps Judgment Day Name Change Plans Following Fan Backlash
WWE scraps plans for Judgment Day renaming

Report: Judgment Day WWE Name Change Likely, Leading Candidate Is 'Street Trash'
Judgment Day possibly undergoing WWE name change to 'Street Trash'

Finn Balor & JD McDonagh To Appear At OTT Tenth Anniversary Show
Finn Balor & JD McDonagh are heading to Irish promotion OTT

Judgment Day Members Emotional Backstage At WWE SummerSlam Ahead Of Split
Tears shed ahead of Judgment Day split

Finn Balor Feared Judgment Day Was Set To Split Ahead Of WWE WrestleMania 40
Balor believes certain storylines helped prevent the group from disbanding.

Finn Balor Wants WWE Match With 'Best Performer On Earth Right Now' Gunther
He's already lobbied to management about the match.

Length Of Finn Balor's New WWE Deal Revealed
Finn Balor reveals length of new WWE deal