CM Punk Dismisses Facing KENTA At Forbidden Door

CM Punk doesn't feel like facing GTS innovator KENTA

It’s the dream match fans have wanted for years; CM Punk vs. KENTA in a battle of the Go 2 Sleeps.

KENTA has made no secret of wanting to face CM Punk, and with Forbidden Door coming up in June it seemed the most likely match of all to take place at the AEW x NJPW super-show. 

However, CM Punk has bluntly dismissed KENTA’s challenged, saying the following when asked by if he was interested in facing KENTA: 


KENTA of course wouldn’t let it lie, posting the following on Twitter in response:

“Hahaha. Perfect answer. Zero interest and keep using MY finish. What a garbage”

KENTA innovated the Go 2 Sleep during is time in Pro Wrestling NOAH, with Punk adopting it after joining WWE, altering the name slightly to Go To Sleep. 

Whether this is all just a work from Punk’s end to build tension before Forbidden Door is anyone’s guess, but with a little over a month before the landmark show, the two better get on the same page soon if the match is to take place.

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.