
10 Biggest Heel Turns In WWE SummerSlam History

These talents turned to the dark side at WWE SummerSlam

9. Tatanka - SummerSlam 1994

Tatanka chop preparation

If you ever need a lesson in how unfair life is, just remember that the 1994 edition of SummerSlam was main evented by The Undertaker fighting a fake version of himself instead of the stellar cage match between Bret and Owen Hart.

Another prominent battle that night pitted former pals Lex Luger and Tatanka against each other. Tatanka was convinced that Luger had joined up with Ted DiBiase and his sinister Million Dollar Corporation, despite the Total Package claiming otherwise. 

The two men settled things in the ring and the Native American star defeated his nemesis with a roll-up. However, things didn’t end there. After the bell had rung, Tatanka launched a vicious assault on his opponent, ending with him locking in the Million Dollar Dream. 

So it was he who was the sellout all along!

Tatanka joined up with the Corporation and stayed with the group until his departure from WWE in 1996. 

Fun fact - this means that there was a brief period of time where Tatanka and Steve Austin were in the same stable. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons