
10 Wrestling Road Stories That Defy Reality

They're equal parts comedic anecdote and eye-opening cautionary tale, and damn it, they're all so compelling...

3. Lakeview Terror

Edge car lorry van

It's known as the "Death Tour", and various wrestlers who have cut their teeth in northern Manitoba can tell you about such tours. Promoter and trainer Tony Condello would book a series of shows at Manitoba Indian Reservations in the dead of winter, and wrestlers making the tours had to endure some truly harrowing scenarios, including driving across unsafe roads at no more than five miles an hour, and other times driving across lakes. On one particular "Death Tour", Edge, Christian, Rhyno, and various others were among the two-vehicle convoy trying to navigate a gigantic frozen lake in the wee hours, with temperatures miles below zero. 

Edge was driving the front van, and, to his horror, nearly drove the vehicle into a colossal pit of water where there should have been solid ice. Condello took the wheel and managed to get across the remaining part of the lake, albeit driving through the freezing water. The ring truck behind them was trying to get through next, and while the wrestlers in the first van watched, Christian suddenly fell through the ice up this thighs. This sent Rhyno into a crazed panic, and he began running for his life. During his hysteria, he ended up knocking Christian over, which Edge joked was "the birth of the Gore". Fortunately, after 90 minutes of trying to solve the lake puzzle, everybody survived, including Christian, who narrowly avoided hypothermia.

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Written by Justin Henry

In addition to writing lists and commentaries for Cultaholic, Justin is also a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine, and is co-author of the WWE-related book Titan Screwed: Lost Smiles, Stunners, and Screwjobs.